‘It is a fight we must win – it is a fight we will win’
community and austerity

Neath Port Talbot branch fought a successful campaign against library closures – so just how did they do it?
Low pay and attacks on terms and conditions following on from underfunding mean ‘a broken system held together by compassion and dedication of exploited workforce’
Research from the Smith Institute shows that low-paid workers bear the brunt of contracting-out as their pay and conditions get worse
Dave Prentis issues rallying call to make October demo the the biggest this country has ever seen
UNISON manifesto sets out the challenges facing public services and policies needed to meet them
UNISON members working within Grwp Gwalia care services will start a 24 hour period of strike action to defend against cuts to pay, terms and conditions
Union joins charities to condemn scheme which will do nothing to reduce unemployment or boost jobs and the economy
Low-paid workers who care for some of north and east London’s most vulnerable people took part in a lobby for a fair deal over pay today
UNISON members and Norfolk County Council care commissioners discuss how to make sure that care workers have the time to deliver high quality care, and are properly paid, trained and supported
Cuts in services for those suffering from mental health problems, homelessness or drug and alcohol abuse are leading to people seeking help from A&E and adding to pressure on the NHS
UNISON has criticised plans by the Government to open consultation on measures around exclusivity and transparency in zero hour contracts following an informal review.
Austerity measures imposed on housing, health and police services are pushing LGBT people to the margins of society, according to a report by NatCen Social Research, for UNISON.