UNISON is launching its manifesto for public services this week, ready to present to the Labour Party’s national policy forum in Milton Keynes this weekend.
The manifesto, which will be used to challenge all the country’s mainstream parties over the coming months, highlights the huge challenges facing public services because of the current government’s austerity measures.
And, with less than a year to go to the general election, it sets out what is needed to ensure that public services survive.
The measures reflect existing union policies, together with discussions with members at a public services summit.
UNISON is calling for:
- new deal for closing the deficit and ensuring our public services are properly funded, with more emphasis on higher taxes for the wealthy;
- more financial freedom and fairer funding for local government;
- a complete change of direction on privatisation and outsourcing;
- a renewed commitment to the public-service workforce.
General secretary Dave Prentis said: “The challenges facing public services are stark, but our manifesto shows that UNISON has a clear sense about what now needs to happen.
“Drastically reduced access to a range of services, including social care, day centres for the elderly, children’s centres, libraries and leisure services is becoming a cold fact of life for many in our communities.
“This is about the choices the government make rather than something that is inevitable. Our manifesto shows there are alternatives.”
And Mr Prentis continued: “We will be presenting these to all politicians over the coming months, starting with the Labour Party at the policy forum in Milton Keynes this weekend.”