Disabled members’ conference also discusses the importance of inclusivity and the work of caucuses
self-organised groups
Labour’s shadow health secretary, Andy Burnham, met protestors in Liverpool to discuss the question of NHS pay today
UNISON members and colleagues from across the NHS were out in force on NHS Protest Day today to make their message loud and clear – they deserve a proper pay rise
UNISON members in the health service will be making their voices heard across the UK tomorrow, as NHS Protest Day highlights anger at being denied even a 1% pay rise by the government
The NHS Day of Protest on Thursday will see social media as just one way that we can use to get the message about pay across
UNISON is launching a nationwide survey aimed at gauging the impact of the government
Austerity measures imposed on housing, health and police services are pushing LGBT people to the margins of society, according to a report by NatCen Social Research, for UNISON.
Delegates hear how the government is intent on selling off the health service, regardless of the consequences
UNISON lobbies MPs and Peers for full pensions equality – and against any opt out for civil registrars
The report is in preparation for the examination of the UK government by the UN CEDAW committee in July 2013
UNISON is urging MPs to support the amendment on pensions equality and ask members to contact their MPs urgently
The results draw on the responses of over 93,000 LGBT people living in the EU member states and Croatia, making it the largest such survey of its kind to date
Today is international day against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and UNISON marks the day with renewed commitment to working for LGBT equality
ILGA-Europe publishes Rainbow Index to mark International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on 17 May