UNISON’s national campaign for ethical care was brought to Norfolk this week.
UNISON members and Norfolk County Council care commissioners met to look at UNISON’s proposals to make sure that care workers have the time to deliver high quality care, and are properly paid, trained and supported to do this.
Recent research shows that care workers have been expected to deliver care in slots as short as 15 minutes, and the use of zero-hour contracts and the practice of not paying workers for their time between appointments has led to difficulties for staff in delivering the service and for the people they care for.
UNISON national officer Matthew Egan presented the findings of UNISON’s research and the positive work that has been done with other councils who have signed up for the charter.
Ann Glover, UNISON Eastern’s head of local government, said: “We are really pleased to be bringing this charter to Norfolk and we hope that the County Council will agree to sign up to our Ethical Care Charter”.