This section is for retired members. Our retired members’ group works closely with other member groups on almost every issue that affects workers in the UK, as well as fighting for quality public services, on which many older people rely.
UNISON retired members have a wealth of experience and knowledge that make them a valuable part of UNISON campaigns.
Pension credit
Are you a couple – has one of you already reached state pension age while the other hasn’t?
Or is one over and one under 65?
From 15 May you will no longer be able to claim Pension Credit.
You will have to claim Universal Credit instead until you are both over state pension age, and could lose around £7,000 a year.
Are you single, over state pension age and on a low income?
Are you both over state pension age and on a low income?
The government says over 1 million people who should be claiming pension credit aren’t – saving the government £3 billion a year.
Should you be claiming?
Key issues
This section is about the key issues affecting retired members. Each key issue explains the facts behind the issue, what UNISON is doing and how you can get involved. You will also find news articles, useful resources and events.
Retired members meet as a self-organised group at branch, regional and national level. Find out what the different groups do and how they are organised.
Group structure and contacts
Find contact details for the national officer with responsibility for retired members.