a lit gas ring


UNISON is the biggest union in the energy sector; we work to raise employment standards and promote best practice in partnership with employers.

We campaign on behalf of members to improve pay and conditions. We also campaign on energy related matters which impact the wider community, such as fuel poverty, sustainable and renewable supply and environmental safeguards.

Thousands of UNISON members carry out vital jobs in both the electricity and gas industries.

We’re here to support workers in securing the best possible deal at work. Join UNISON today.



Find out how the energy service group works and how to get involved.

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COVID-19 advice for energy workers

This page provides advice for workers in the energy sector and in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak. UNISON has throughout the COVID pandemic been in ongoing negotiations with energy employers and has sought and in many cases secured agreements on measures to protect staff and manage any specific issues. We have also been involved in regular […]

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Key issues

This section is about the key issues affecting people employed in the energy sector. Each key issue explains the facts behind the issue, what UNISON is doing and how you can get involved. You will also find news articles, useful resources and events.

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    Our members cover a huge variety of jobs, from call centre work to billing and data processing, finance, payroll, human resources, facilities management, procurement and logistics, meter reading, debt collection, inspection services, administration, network management and systems, as well as a large number qualified engineers.

    UNISON supports members working for a variety of companies. We cover all grades of staff from clerical to senior management, except for manual and industrial workers.

    Get involved:

    You can stand for election onto our energy service group. This is the body that helps decide policies and activities. UNISON staff rely on their elected service group representatives to support members in the best way possible.

    Contact your local UNISON branch to get involved
