Successful strike action in Wiltshire and North Devon has secured a minimum £1,655 lump sum bonus for health workers
South West
Winning a better deal for public services in the region and for the dedicated public servants that run them is top of my list.

The charter provides the tools for well funded, high quality apprenticeships that lead to meaningful jobs
UNISON has won a hard fought victory for workers in the careers service against Prospects Limited

Cornish care company Cormac has signed up to UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter, the first in the South West to do so
All workers at the University of Bath – both staff and workers on outsourced contracts – receive the living wage from 1 April after two-year campaign by unions and students
Cornwall Council has agreed to pay the living wage to staff, giving many workers a welcome boost
Strong and sustained union campaigning pays off as plans to privatise £75m of NHS services in Cornwall are scrapped
UNISON South West has welcomed Dorset County Hospital trust board’s decision to keep pathology services in-house