Changes are welcome step to improving conditions for vital staff
social care
Nothing short of a complete reset will do.
Fair pay needed to begin solving recruitment problems
The previous government was guilty of neglecting care.

UNISON head of social care Gavin Edwards describes how the Conservatives have brought social care to its knees
Forcing unemployed into care jobs with poor wages is not the answer
Fair pay agreement is best way forward
If ministers had even a basic grasp of the sector, they would have reformed it long ago.
Commenting on the findings from the British Social Attitudes Survey, published by the King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust which show falling levels of public satisfaction with social care, UNISON head of social care Gavin Edwards said:
Next government must make social care a priority
The ban means overseas care staff will be much less likely to come to work in the UK. But migrant workers are still very much needed
What’s needed is the proper reform that can only come from a national care service.
Higher pay needed to boost workforce
Government accused of playing roulette with essential services just to placate its backbenchers and the far-right
What’s needed is a national care service that’s adequately funded, with proper standards and fair pay for its workforce.