UNISON responds to government consultation on tax relief for pensions
pension power
New campaign pack to help put pressure on companies associated with the occupation of Palestine
The Local Government Pension Scheme and Scottish LGPS is changing and new pension fund boards will have to include representatives of scheme members
UNISON is asking for support to achieve the living wage for all employees in the UK energy sector. If you contribute to a pension fund then your money buys shares in the energy companies
Local government pension scheme will not be able to function after 1 April, without agreed protections
UNISON assures members that there are no plans to reduce the agreed protections in drafting process
‘With the cost of living rising this has never been more important’
UNISON pension fund joins call for publically listed UK companies to pay the wage
UNISON responds to government consultation saying elcted councillors and local office holders should continue to be allowed to join the Local Government pension scheme
UNISON voices concerns about the Pensions Bill as it gets its second reading in the House of Commons.
UNISON, Unite and TUC pension funds combine to make sure union values are heard at company AGMs
UNISON’s written submission to the Public Service Pensions Bill committee
Union welcomes Local Government Association’s statement on Local Government Pension Scheme, as 90% of UNISON members agreed to proposals.