Photograph of a UNISON speaker at a UNISON organised event at Westminster to launch a report on water renationalisation. there are rows of people sitting listening.

Opinion: Water under pressure – the case for renationalisation

A new UNISON report highlights the problems of the privatised water sector in England and maps a way to renationalisation

WET conference examines failure of privatisation

Held in Brighton on Sunday, delegates heard a range of motions and new research outlining the failures of the water industry model

old-fashioned tap with water running from it

Opinion: The water industry is a national scandal

Privatisation has meant failing water infrastructure, increased sewage spillages and reduced confidence in the safety of drinking water, while shareholders pocket billions

Water contaminated with sewage and waste in a reservoir

UNISON condemns water firms’ attempt to increase household bills

The union reiterates its call for renationalisation, to ensure “value for taxpayers”

old-fashioned tap with water running from it

UNISON demands Thames Water answers

Christina McAnea questions how the near financial collapse of Thames Water was allowed to happen and calls for renationalisation of the water industry

Securing the future of our public services

UNISON manifesto sets out the challenges facing public services and policies needed to meet them

UNISON to launch public services manifesto

With less than a year to go to the general election, UNISON is launching its manifesto for public services

EPSU leader spells out the Europe we want

EPSU general secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan’s message to UNISON’s local government conference was that we could change Europe for the betterment of the majority of its people

EPSU congress hears warning on global treaties

Delegates at the EPSU congress in Toulouse debated the threat from two global trade treaties currently being negotiated

UNISON backs Greek workers fighting water privatisation

Water is a vital human resource that should be provided in the public interest and not for private profit -Dave Prentis

UNISON urges members to lobby their MPs over new ‘gagging law’

New law threatens to gag charities, NGOs, blogs, think-tanks, trade unions and other campaigning organisations by severely restricting how much money they can spend on political campaigning in the year running up to a general election

UNISON will act against ‘Orwellian’ call-centre conditions

Call centre working, facility time and safety in the water industry dominated UNISON

National inquiry needed to stem water scandal

Water companies making massive profits at expense of customers

On the agenda: an alternative to austerity

UNISON’s national delegate conference meets in Liverpool next week to set the union’s priorities for the year ahead

WET conference set to discuss water ownership

UNISON’s water, environment and transport sector conference prepares to meet in Liverpool, with water ownership topping the agenda