Experience after experience has shown that privatisation is a false economy
privatising police services
Research from the Smith Institute shows that low-paid workers bear the brunt of contracting-out as their pay and conditions get worse
UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis has been leading the international trade union response to the threats posed by trade and investment agreements this week.
UNISON delegates speak at range of TUC motions condemning effects of government policy across public services
UNISON manifesto sets out the challenges facing public services and policies needed to meet them
Delegates at the EPSU congress in Toulouse debated the threat from two global trade treaties currently being negotiated
Privatisation does not produce efficiency, just a downward pressure on pay, writes Sara Gorton of UNISON in a new Left Foot Forward blog as part of Fair Pay Fortnight
Dave Prentis pledges to put the weight of the union behind the fight against the cuts and privatisation of the police and probation services
‘Battles are being won, but the war continues’ to keep police and probation services out of hands of private companies
National delegate conference backs a raft of measures to combat the continued privatisation and outsourcing of services