UNISON has criticised plans by the Government to open consultation on measures around exclusivity and transparency in zero hour contracts following an informal review.
UNISON has been calling for an official investigation to confirm the true scale of the problem in order to ban these contracts.
UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis said:
“Once again, the Government is hitting the wrong mark on zero hour contracts. Zero hour contract jobs are unjustified and unsuitable and the problems they cause families have been under estimated. Exclusive contracts are not the big issue. People need a regular source of income.
“Not knowing from week to week what money you have coming in to buy food and pay your bills can be distressing. Having your working hours varied at short notice is also stressful and it makes planning, childcare arrangements and budgeting hard.
“Employers already have more flexibility than they need and workers struggle as a result. Workers should have the right to regular hours and pay.”