Meat inspectors vote to strike

63% of members vote for action; industrial action authorised

The scandal of profits before food safety

Dave Prentis puts the case to Guardian readers for UNISON members carrying out a vital role

Meat hygiene ballot – background

UNISON members in the Food Standards Agency are set to ballot for industrial action on pay in the coming weeks, after the employer forced a 0.75% pay rise on them earlier this year

Meat hygiene inspectors to be balloted for strike action

Ballot papers to go out next week to more than 500 UNISON members working for the FSA in England, Wales and Scotland

UNISON to launch public services manifesto

With less than a year to go to the general election, UNISON is launching its manifesto for public services

EPSU leader spells out the Europe we want

EPSU general secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan’s message to UNISON’s local government conference was that we could change Europe for the betterment of the majority of its people

Warning issued over threat to meat inspections

Local government conference hears details of the threat to independent meat inspection as the government plans further deregulation

Lobby your MEPs to protect our food

UNISON urges members to lobby for safe food

Lobby your MEP over meat inspection plans

Union calls on public to lobby MEPs to stop changes to regulations that would weaken inspection of meat

Time to stop talking in conferences

Carolan tells delegates to make sure they take the message out beyond the conference hall to voters

UNISON urges members to lobby their MPs over new ‘gagging law’

New law threatens to gag charities, NGOs, blogs, think-tanks, trade unions and other campaigning organisations by severely restricting how much money they can spend on political campaigning in the year running up to a general election

UNISON issues supermarket challenge

Supermarkets must back UNISON campaign to keep meat hygiene inspectors and rigorous inspection at the heart of consumer protection

Deregulation not an option for meat industry, warns UNISON

Unions says that nothing on the scale of the horsemeat scandal should be allowed to happen again

UNISON calls for more testing and inspection of horse meat

We need to make sure the meat on our plates is safe to eat, says union

Horsemeat scandal should have been picked up in UK

UNISON says that proper investment is needed to avoid any more horsemeat scandals