UNISON research has revealed how healthcare assistants across the UK face the crisis of staffing levels as nurses, with patient care suffering
be safe
UNISON will be running its fourth annual survey into safe staffing levels in the health service on 10 February and we want everyone to participate
UNISONS latest call for safer nurse to patient ratios, comes in the wake of new draft guidance from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), which the union believes does not go far enough and will be a real disappointment to hundreds of thousands of nurses
A new survey of almost 3,000 nurses from across the UK reveals a health service under severe strain, with 65% of staff saying they did not have enough time with patients
Make a pledge to make a difference, UNISON tells its NHS members
NHS staff do an amazingly tough job and it is shameful to learn that just 41% feel satisfied that their trust values their work.
Take part in UNISON’s s third annual NHS Safe Staffing Levles Survey on 4 March
UNISON is about to roll out a Be Safe training programme aimed at encouraging staff to raise concerns about patient care in the National Health Service
The Government response to Francis doesn’t go far enough in getting to the heart of the issues in Mid Staffs – staffing levels, culture and engagement
The Cardiff and Vale UNISON health branch is leading a demonstration against the cuts being proposed at Cardiff and Vale health board which will see around 384 posts axed
UNISON says that a new report from sector regulator Monitor shows the risk to care of a continuing pay freeze
We need to kick this government out to save the health service, LInda Hobson tells conference
Delegates hear how the government is intent on selling off the health service, regardless of the consequences