Doncaster carers strike against massive cuts

UNISON members in Doncaster take second week of strike action against Care UK attempts to slash pay, terms and conditions

Retired members demand dignity

UNISON members join National Pensioners Convention in marking National Dignity Day on 1 February

Time to stop talking in conferences

Carolan tells delegates to make sure they take the message out beyond the conference hall to voters

Retired members meet junior minister

UNISON Northern Ireland’s retired members meet junior minister Jennifer McCann to highlight the rights of retired and older people in society

UNISON urges members to lobby their MPs over new ‘gagging law’

New law threatens to gag charities, NGOs, blogs, think-tanks, trade unions and other campaigning organisations by severely restricting how much money they can spend on political campaigning in the year running up to a general election

How is austerity affecting the LGBT community?

Help our research to uncover the effect austerity is having, whether you are an LGBT service user or working providing services

Scrap the cap

UNISON, the Pensioners Convention and United for All Ages present peers with 10 key questions on the draft Care Bill

On the agenda: an alternative to austerity

UNISON’s national delegate conference meets in Liverpool next week to set the union’s priorities for the year ahead

Social care and homecare seminar covers many topics

Seminar encourages members to get involved in campaigns

MPs debate the problems facing homecare workers

Discussion in Parliament is informed by the work of UNISON and the experiences of members working in homecare

Up to 200,000 homecare workers ‘paid less than minimum wage’ says UNISON

Flouting of minimum wage law must be challenged, says the union.

Home care system in crisis, warns UNISON

Councils cannot wash their hands of their responsibilities, stresses the union

New council cuts will hit more vital services, says UNISON

Local councils are under government cosh, says union, and tells Eric Pickles to ‘get into the real world’

UNISON challenges councils to embrace Ethical Care Charter

As report highlights the crisis in our home care system, UNISON’s charter would improve care for those who receive it and those who provide it

UNISON launches ethical care campaign

UNISON launches campaign to raise standards in homecare