UNISON responds to LGPS 2014 plan

Union welcomes Local Government Association’s statement on Local Government Pension Scheme, as 90% of UNISON members agreed to proposals.

UNISON sends Halloween message to pay cartel

NHS staff in Taunton and Poole stage seasonal protest against plan to introduce regional pay

Tournament builds ‘kick racism out of football’ message

Thanet UNISON sends out strong message with football event for local young people

UNISON calls for inquiry as another PFI hospital runs out of cash

Decision by the board of Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals Foundation Trust to sign up to a costly Private Finance Initiative scheme brings the trust to the brink of bankruptcy

Barnet council recommends backing in-house bid

Barnet UNISON welcomes “fantastic news” – but stresses that there’s more to do

Nursing survey reveals NHS patient-staff ratio danger

Less than 10% can deliver safe, compassionate, dignified care all of the time

UNISON responds to the Public Accounts Committee’s report on the NHS

Report highlights real financial problems on the horizon for the NHS from austerity economics and Private Finance Initiative debt

UNISON president urges members to get involved with Hope not hate

New materials are now available to help build work around the president’s chosen charity

Disabled members stress the importance of public transport

All workers need to be able to get to work, say delegates at UNISON’s disabled members’ conference

Service group executive by-elections announced

By-elections will be taking place for seats on the higher education and energy service groups

UNISON ramps up campaign ahead of Living Wage week

Union plans week of activity, including seminar and parliamentary event, to boost the fight for a living wage

UNISON condemns return to ‘Dickensian’ times

Disabled members’ conference hears that welfare reform risks putting disabled workers in poverty

Bullying and harassment – new guide

UNISON has produced a new guide on dealing with bullying and harassment that is available to be downloaded from the web

‘Two-faced, money-grubbing, callous, ignorant ATOS’

UNISON president condemns welfare to work and company running it

Disabled members’ conference hears call for workplace advocates

Delegate stresses that UNISON reps have the skills to be workplace advocates for disabled members