Hinchingbrooke Hospital still a dangerous experiment, warns UNISON

The National Audit Office report into Circle should act as a warning of the dangers of bringing the private sector into the NHS, says union

Barnet UNISON animates the sell-off issue

New film spells out council’s ‘casino’ gamble in an accessible way

Why the living wage matters: Gail Wilby

This is Living Wage Week, and UNISON is campaigning for a living wage for all its members

UNISON calls for action to stop library closures

Reports reveals that many councils are in danger of failing in their legal obligations to provide a library service

Incomes data report shows rising pay gap

UNISON says government must act over news that incomes gap has widened

Industrial unrest looming in wake of NHS regional pay threat

UNISON warns that south west pay cartel and others are undermining national agreement in the health service

Living Wage week: Bolton College

Ashley Williams, a sports attendant at Bolton College, and college principal Marie Gilluley, explain why the living wage matters

Say no to postcode pay

Urge your MP to vote against regional pay in the NHS on Wednesday

Tipping point reached on living wage as new rates announced

UNISON calls for the gap between the minimum wage and the living wage to be closed, to help tackle poverty pay

Cuts put young people at risk on bonfire night, says UNISON

Austerity agenda has seen cuts to trading standards, and to the number of age-restricted test purchases, says the union

Get help with winter fuel bills

A new UNISON energy switching scheme – and other ways the union can help with your bills

Living wage rate increases

Both national and London Living Wage rates are to rise by 25p an hour

Remember, remember 15 November

Use your vote against police privatisation (England and Wales only)

Northern region sets out living wage campaign

Region kicks off week of campaigning with the slogan: ‘I want to live not just exist’

UNISON urges Scottish government to act on tax dodging

Union calls for bar on tax-evading firms winning public contracts