Force Restructuring

Conference notes with extreme concern the implications of the collapse of the police restructuring process in England and Wales. The collapse was caused by funding difficulties, which should have been resolved at a much earlier stage. This has led to confusion and insecurity for police staff members throughout England and Wales Conference believes that: 1)the […]

Women’s Activism in the Police Service

Conference is concerned that police branches may be having some difficulties in encouraging women activists and women’s participation in branch activities. As the largest trade union in the UK with one million women members it is important to ensure that women are represented at all levels of the trade union. It is recognised that the […]

HMIC Inspections

All branches will be included in HMIC inspections including the various aspects of the benchmarking process. As part of these inspections UNISON is often included at branch level. As a key stakeholder and credible representatives of Police Staff, it is often disappointing that issues raised by branches do not feature within HMIC reports. The HMIC […]

Essential Training for Police Staff

Police Staff are lacking a structured approach to their own training and development. There is little to no scope for progression/movement into other areas of work and there is very limited IT Systems training. Police Staff development consists of applying for jobs and being successful and very few progressive routes exist. It is essential that […]

Citizen Focussed Policing and The Closure of Police Stations to the Public

The loss of direct services to the public and the loss of jobs of our members concern Conference. The citizen focussed policing initiative has seen the closure of police stations to the public with Police Staff either being re-deployed or under the threat of redundancy. This initiative which aims to provide a more accessible service […]

Shift Rostering and Work Life Balance

Conference believes that Police Staff have the right to a reasonable work life balance and to be able to plan their lives accordingly. Shift workers within the Police Service often suffer from poor rostering and forward planning. Often our members are given short notice changes to their shifts because of major planned events, sickness or […]

We Are A Trade Union

Conference is dissatisfied with the continued classification of UNISON by our employer and other sections of the police family as a staff association. UNISON is a trade union and as such has statutory rights and status at law. We as trade unionists are proud to be part of the labour movement and are proud of […]

Operational Police Staff Supervisors

The Home Office’s insistence that Police Staff no longer hold the position of supervisor is of great concern to Conference. This is particularly evident with PCSOs and Enquiry Desk Officers. The Home Office believes that Police Officers and Sergeants can fill this void. They hold the view that local beat officers may handle operational direction […]

Vetting of Police Staff

Conference notes the increased intrusiveness of vetting, especially financial vetting of Police Staff. Conference also notes that local forces are trying to implement their own vetting procedures but there are no nationally agreed procedures. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1)provide support and information to branches on how to resist the implementation of local […]

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Police Staff Participation

Conference is appalled at the timing of the trial/pilot in merging of Police Staff Conference and Seminar, to coincide with the closing of National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Conference. This raises significant participation and confidentiality issues for Police Staff members who identify as LGBT and are not ‘Out’ within the work place or […]

Police Staff Discipline

This Conference notes that the issue of Police Staff discipline has been discussed at previous conferences and still needs clarification. It also notes that they are often treated like criminals on occasion resulting in unnecessary stress and distress. Frequently criminal and discipline investigations overlap with privileged information being released into the discipline arena without the […]

Motion 35 2004 – Older Shift Workers

With reference to Motion 35, 2004 ‘Older Shift Workers’ the Service Group Executive were asked to take forward this motion and report back to our membership in full the progress made towards achieving the goal. Conference is dismayed that no report has yet been given. This Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1)report back […]

Single Non-Emergency Number

Conference is aware of the imminent implementation of the Single Non-Emergency Number, by 2008. Conference should be aware that the creation of this number could have a detrimental effect on police staff working in Police Control Rooms, or Police Call Handing Centres. With all public calls, except emergency calls being fed into a call-handling centre […]

Short Term Funding

Conference notes with increasing concern and alarm that the Service Group Executive has failed to implement any of the motions raised on this issue in 2004 (motions 11 and 27) and 2005 (motion 20) on short term funding particularly with regard to Police Community Support officers (PCSOs). Government funding for PCSOs, Custody Officers and Volume […]

Are Retired LGBT Members Invisible

This Conference is concerned that when LGBT members retire from the workplace they become invisible and therefore sidelined. Many of them will have been active within the union movement and taken part in major campaigns. The dynamism shown by UNISONS own LGBT section is proof of what its membership is capable of. Many of the […]