Operational Police Staff Supervisors

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Police Staff Service Group Conference 2006
17 July 2006
Carried as Amended

The Home Office’s insistence that Police Staff no longer hold the position of supervisor is of great concern to Conference. This is particularly evident with PCSOs and Enquiry Desk Officers. The Home Office believes that Police Officers and Sergeants can fill this void. They hold the view that local beat officers may handle operational direction and that overall supervision may be handled by Sergeants.

Conference believes that this model will be counter productive to service provision and will create further stress and workload for already overburdened Sergeants. This will leave our members vulnerable without dedicated supervision and will create more difficulties for them and the service.

Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to:

1)open a dialogue with the Home Office with a view to reversing this policy;

2)promote the virtues of dedicated Police Staff supervision with the PSC and its constituents.