Successful strike action in Wiltshire and North Devon has secured a minimum £1,655 lump sum bonus for health workers
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Commenting on the government funding that will now allow thousands of health workers to receive the one-off payment given to NHS staff last year, UNISON head of health Helga Pile said:

Leader of the House Penny Mordaunt MP says she will make sure the case of the Dudley workers is looked at

Company is refusing to pay a COVID bonus to the privately-employed NHS workers – despite being signed up to Agenda for Change

The union is targeting 18 private contractors in the NHS to persuade them to commit to pay that’s equal with directly employed staff
NHS workers employed by private firms must not miss out
Health service staff employed by private companies must not lose out on the wage rise

UNISON writes to NHS private contractors calling on them to pay Agenda for Change rates to all staff

UNISON members have won the battle to keep their NHS jobs, after threats to transfer workers to a wholly owned subsidiary were made in April 2019
Wholly owned subsidiary plans dropped