Bath University refuses to negotiate on paying living wage

Bath University has told its low paid staff that it will not negotiate with the campus trade unions to implement a living wage, despite inflation busting payrise for vice chancellor

UNISON ballots higher education members over miserly 1% pay offer

Members urged to vote yes to strike action over pay offer

Time to vote on higher education pay

UNISON members in higher education are set to vote on strike action over a pay offer from the employers, with the union recommending that they say ‘yes’

9/10 lose sleep over money and job worries

UNISON releases results of poll asking public service workers What Keeps you Awake?

Government accused over higher education

UNISON tells TUC that government commitment to higher education is undermined by calls for universities to find new methods of funding

UNISON urges members to lobby their MPs over new ‘gagging law’

New law threatens to gag charities, NGOs, blogs, think-tanks, trade unions and other campaigning organisations by severely restricting how much money they can spend on political campaigning in the year running up to a general election

UNISON calls for fair pay over free iPads

Universities are offering expensive incentives to students during the clearing process while many higher education staff are yet to receive a living wage

Vote Yes for strike action in higher education

New industrial action ballot material is available for higher education branches and activists to order, promoting a Yes vote in the ballot in September

University workers urged to vote for strike action

UNISON members must send the message that ‘enough is enough’