Search tagged probation: keep it public and local

Probation sell off will “destroy the service as we know it”

Reoffending rates have recently fallen to 35%. Ben Priestley, UNISON national officer for police and justice, said: "There is already a very successful organisation that is busy […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

UNISON to fight government plans to abolish probation service

The Ministry of Justice sets out its plans to radically reform the way in which probation services are delivered in England and Wales with the privatisation of 70% of probation work in 21 new contract areas

Article on the UNISON National site.

Privatisation threat continues to hang over police and probation

‘Battles are being won, but the war continues’ to keep police and probation services out of hands of private companies

Article on the UNISON National site.

Survey launched in fight to defend probation service

The government wants to centralise and privatise the probation service – and UNISON needs your help to fight back against this

Article on the UNISON National site.

Fraud probe into G4S ‘a setback for probation privatisation plans’

Serious Fraud Office called in over charges for ‘tagging’ people who were in prison, had left the country or were dead

Article on the UNISON National site.

Probation workers reject government privatisation plans

Probation members care too much about the protection of communities to see their jobs sold off to the private sector

Article on the UNISON National site.

Privatising probation, what comes first: your safety or their profits?

Harassed employees working for the probation service have already undergone numerous reorganisations and are currently going […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

UNISON urges members to lobby their MPs over new ‘gagging law’

The TUC thinks it may be forced to cancel its 2014 Congress and will be prevented from holding any demonstrations because of the […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

Time to stop talking in conferences

Adding that "we need a commitment to reversing inequality - not politicians who divide us into strivers and skivers," she urged delegates not to forget the […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

Congress calls for inquiry into probation sell off

UNISON accuses government of not knowing the price of public safety or justice over plans to privatise probation service

Article on the UNISON National site.

Calling all probation members for a protest

Thursday is when justice secretary Chris Grayling is planning to put an advert for the sell-off into the Official Journal of the European Union, which is the first step that must be […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

Public urged to join protest to oppose probation privatisation

"Our members are not only concerned for what this might mean for their jobs, but also the effect that these changes could have for local […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

Probation service privatisation fuels total confusion

UNISON, the UK’s largest union today hit out at the £450m probation privatisation package announced by Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, calling it “ill prepared” and likely to result in long-term damage to the service.

Article on the UNISON National site.

UNISON chief vows to continue fight against police cuts and privatisation

Dave Prentis pledges to put the weight of the union behind the fight against the cuts and privatisation of the police and probation services

Article on the UNISON National site.

Keep probation public – email your MP

"UNISON is determined to ensure that the disastrous plans in the Transforming Rehabilitation white paper […]

Article on the UNISON National site.