Unprecedented use of Volunteers

The North West Region are concerned that the current Police and Justice guidance on the use of volunteers is outdated. The Regional Service Group Committee believes that the Service Group Executive needs to review and produce firm guidance to all sectors with reference to the use of volunteers within our workplaces, especially in light of […]

Lack of ACPO and APCC voice against Cuts to Policing

The North West Regional Police and Justice Committee is extremely concerned that there is no action/response from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) or the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) at a national level to identify the current and prospective impact on on-going cuts to policing budgets is having on delivering a […]

Transgender Uniform

Conference welcomes the progress made for our members nationally who identify themselves as part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) network and also recognises the great achievement that many forces are shown as top 100 employers on the Stonewall index. Conference also welcomes the acceptance that there are several strands to those who […]

Mental Health within the Workplace

Our activists have become aware of the lack of awareness of officers and staff with regard to mental health issues within the workplace, in particular Staff who are returning to work after illness. Return to work plans tend to be mechanistic and focussed on the basic HR issues with little regard to the individual circumstances […]

Protect our National terms and Conditions

Conference it would appear that forces/ employers have made attempts to negotiate withdrawal from our National terms and conditions with the intention of making local arrangements. For many years we have been part of a national agreement and been able to ensure the minimum levels of terms and conditions set through national negotiation. We know […]

Whistle Blowing in the Police Service

Conference is concerned that there is no clear advice for members or the employer on whistle blowing within the Police Service for Police Staff. The Public Information Disclosure Act provides specific protections for those individuals raising matters of concern and an outline process for reporting areas of concern. Conference therefore calls upon the Service Group […]

College of Policing

Conference recognises the need for the Police & Justice service group to engage with the college to ensure so far as we are able, that the interests of Police Staff are represented adequately in their own right and not overshadowed by issues relating to police officers. We have been given the opportunity to have position […]

Policing in Austerity

This conference condemns the policy of the government in its approach to reducing the Police Service of England and Wales. Our members are expected to take on more and more for less. Our Jobs are constantly under threat of redundancy or review which has the effect of driving down the moral and confidence of the […]

Transfer of Police Staff to Wiltshire Council and Other Strategic Partners

November 2012 saw the introduction of Police & Crime Commissioners (PCCs) across England & Wales. Included in the Policing Plan introduced by the PCC for Wiltshire Police, are plans which could eventually see as many as 50% of current Police Staff roles transferring to one of the local councils. The PCC at Wiltshire Police regards […]

Tax Relief on UNISON Subscriptions

Conference notes that roles in Police and Probation Services have developed over the years, with many roles requiring specific qualifications and ongoing vocational accreditation, and this is only likely to increase in the future. Our Police Officer colleagues are able to claim some tax relief on the subscriptions they pay to the Federation and within […]

Continuing the fight against privatisation

Conference congratulates and applauds the actions of branches, branch officers, regions, the Police and Justice Service Group Executive, its committees and staff in opposing privatisation across the Police and Probation Services in 2012. Campaigning against privatisation does work and public opinion is on our side and not on the side of the privateers in government. […]

Effect of Government’s Austerity Measures on Black People

Conference deplores the devastating impact the Government’s austerity measures are having on Black communities and the most vulnerable groups in the society. Conference notes with concern the severity of the impact on people from the Black community. Research from the Institute for Public Policy and Research shows that the unemployment level for young Black people […]

Raising the profile of Black activists

Raising the profile of Black activists within water, environment and transport employers and increasing the number of Black members involved at branch, regional and national levels within the WET service group and wider union is critical in meeting the UNISON’s recruitment and organising objectives. Conference also notes the Leadership School where activists can take steps […]

Concessionary Fares

Conference welcomes UNISON’s policy calling for free travel at all times on buses and trains across Britain as a whole and that this should be funded by the Government as per the policy document ‘Moving Forward’. However, inconsistencies in provision across Authorities and cuts in funding for this provision are having an effect on the […]

Where’s your bus gone?

Conference condemns the ever increasing amount of disappearing bus services from Britain’s roads and the consequent impact on UNISON members employed in the public transport industry. This is due to the Government’s cuts agenda. Services are disappearing and fares are increasing, leaving the most vulnerable and those on low incomes more isolated and disadvantaged. There […]