UNISON wins landmark decision for workers to have commission included in holiday pay

UNISON has won a landmark case that could pave the way for employees whose pay is commission based to be entitled to holiday pay that includes their commission

Unfair dismissal decision upheld for parking enforcement workers

UNISON has successfully defended an appeal on behalf of six parking enforcement workers who were made redundant when the services they provided were sold off to a private company and their jobs relocated

UNISON calls for collective struggle against austerity

UNISON urges unions to work collectively across Europe to defeat austerity as EPSU congress debates strengthening rights and employment

EPSU congress hears warning on global treaties

Delegates at the EPSU congress in Toulouse debated the threat from two global trade treaties currently being negotiated

Councils hold protest day ahead of strike ballot over pay

Local government and school workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will hold official protests today as part of UNISON’s campaign for pay and fair council funding

European unions demand an alternative

Workers, families and communities are under attack as unscrupulous employers and governments try to roll back the gains brought about by the welfare state, Dave Prentis tells EPSU

2,000 NHS staff wait to hear their fate

UNISON is waiting to hear the outcome of a closed-doors board meeting that could decide the future of nearly 2,000 staff working for NHS England

UNISON granted permission to appeal High Court decision on tribunal fees

The Court of Appeal decided yesterday that the basis of the issue is of “sufficient general importance to merit permission to appeal”.

UNISON wins downbanding battle in Swindon

A successful organising campaign by UNISON has seen Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust withdraw plans to downband operating theatre jobs

Constitutional advice

Advice for branches on using the Democracy in UNISON guidelines

Vote to keep the racists and the Tories out on Thursday

Use your vote in the local and European elections on Thursday to start creating a better, fairer future for Britain.

Health branches: order your campaign material for 5 June

Campaign materials are available to order now to support branches campaiging fair pay for NHS staff on the day of protest

Speaking out for LGBT equality

UNISON is marking International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia by highlighting the importance of LGBT equality at work

Have your say on HE pay

UNISON members in higher education are being consulted on the 2014-15 pay offer – have your say before 23 May

Cornwall calls protests against NHS outsourcing

Truro demonstration will show opposition to plans to move 600 NHS staff to a private company