“Workers, families and communities are under attack as unscrupulous employers and governments try to roll back the gains brought about by the welfare state, workers’ rights, and democracy itself,” UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis told the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) this afternoon.
Speaking to the federation’s congress in Toulouse, Mr Prentis, who is also EPSU vice president, added: “Today’s Europe is off course.”
Intoducing a motion on An Alternative Europe, he said that Europe’s public serivce unions “take a firm position against the current policies of austerity, public-sector cutbacks and worsening pay and working conditions.
“We stand shoulder to shoulder with every worker and citizen who is suffering consequences of these policies.”
But there is another way, said Mr Prentis: “Social justice, sustainable development and democracy must be at the forefront of all policies – local, national, European and global.”
The motion set out a blueprint for a a Europe where:
- the public sector has enough well-trained, motivated and well-paid staff;
- collective bargaining, social dialogue and union rights play their full part;
- nobody is discriminated against because of their individual characteristics or beliefs.
“We have a message of resistance and alternatives,” concluded Mr Prentis. ”We have a message of optimism and of solidarity. Together we can change course and reclaim our Europe.”
UNISON campaign: A million voices for public services
UNISON working internationally
EPSU Congress 2014 (external link opens in new window)
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