Comprehensive action needed to tackle understaffing and shorten wait times
NHS funding
Loosening the stranglehold on funding shouldn’t be mistaken for generosity
Sustained funding required – not just short-term fixes
New cash will begin to address years of underfunding but more is desperately needed
The NHS needs a funding guarantee, not just a pledge
Responding to the NHS Improvement report on the performance of the NHS in England in 2017-18 published today (Thursday), UNISON deputy head of health Helga Pile said: “Under pressure, underfunded and understaffed – the NHS is caught between a rock and a hard place. “While the number of people using the NHS has sky rocketed, […]
Any future financial settlement for the NHS must factor in the costs of having a fairly rewarded and growing workforce

Unless you’ve been truly hibernating so far this year, you will have heard that thousands of NHS operations have been cancelled. But what is the NHS winter crisis?

Unless you’ve been truly hibernating so far this year, you will have heard that thousands of NHS operations have been cancelled. But what is the NHS winter crisis?
Alarming report shows the amount of strain the NHS is under even before winter pressures have kicked in