Record waiting lists call for proper investment in NHS workforce, says UNISON

Comprehensive action needed to tackle understaffing and shorten wait times

New low in A&E performance shows NHS needs urgent treatment

System struggling to cope even in a mild winter

Don’t be fooled by the Conservatives’ festive promises for the NHS

Loosening the stranglehold on funding shouldn’t be mistaken for generosity

NHS staff shortages increase

‘Ongoing understaffing means we are more dependent than ever on the goodwill of health workers’

‘Cocktail of calamities’ pushing people into A&E

Responding to the Care Quality Commission’s annual state of care report published today (Tuesday), UNISON head of health Sara Gorton said: “There’s not enough funding for social care, and out of hours support and NHS 111 are a mess. “This cocktail of calamities is pushing people into A&E who shouldn’t be there, with patients and staff the […]

Nurse training boost welcome but more needed across whole NHS, says UNISON

Sustained funding required – not just short-term fixes

More funding needed to tackle NHS staffing gaps, says UNISON

New cash will begin to address years of underfunding but more is desperately needed

UNISON comments on health think-tank joint briefing into staffing shortfall in the NHS

Instead of investing in staffing, ministers introduced restrictive immigration policies and cut training budgets, all of which end up costing the NHS more than necessary in the long term

NHS cash boost welcome, but it’s not enough, says UNISON

The NHS needs a funding guarantee, not just a pledge

An NHS under pressure, underfunded and understaffed

Responding to the NHS Improvement report on the performance of the NHS in England in 2017-18 published today (Thursday), UNISON deputy head of health Helga Pile said: “Under pressure, underfunded and understaffed – the NHS is caught between a rock and a hard place. “While the number of people using the NHS has sky rocketed, […]

UNISON responds to IFS report on NHS funding

Any future financial settlement for the NHS must factor in the costs of having a fairly rewarded and growing workforce

The NHS continues to be ‘alarmingly under-funded’, says health conference

UNISON will continue to campaign for the funding needed to deliver ‘a comprehensive, safe and high quality service’

The NHS crisis in five charts

Unless you’ve been truly hibernating so far this year, you will have heard that thousands of NHS operations have been cancelled. But what is the NHS winter crisis?

The NHS crisis in five charts

Unless you’ve been truly hibernating so far this year, you will have heard that thousands of NHS operations have been cancelled. But what is the NHS winter crisis?

Behind the headlines, Magazine on the Magazine site.

UNISON comments on NHS Providers report on winter pressures

Alarming report shows the amount of strain the NHS is under even before winter pressures have kicked in