“We are marching united with unions from across the European continent in a powerful display against austerity and for a fair deal for workers”

The bill now moves to committee stage, where UNISON will submit expert evidence on why a bonfire of workers’ rights is a bad idea

A bonfire of employment rights might thrill right-wing ideologues, but it would be a nightmare for workers – and particularly working women

“Jacob Rees-Mogg is determined to throw women back to the ’70s. UNISON, and the 1.3 million people who make up our membership, will not stand to let this happen”
“UNISON will carry on campaigning with, and on behalf, of our European members and their families to retain their existing rights post Brexit.”

UNISON joins over 80 civil society organisations in writing to the PM, arguing that the price of a no-deal Brexit is too high

Shadow Brexit secretary tells UNISON that the option to remain in the EU should be part of any second referendum
Labour must find clearer Brexit line and end ambiguity
Government failure in Commons defeat over PM’s EU deal still leaves huge uncertainty and catastrophic risks

Commenting on the Brexit vote today (Tuesday) UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “The country has no faith in the prime minister’s ability to get her Brexit deal passed, now it’s clear MPs don’t either. It’s time for a vote of no confidence and a general election so people can vote in a new government […]

UNISON publishes new guidance for branches, and a model letter to public-service employers, as pilot scheme is rolled out across the UK in November, based on employment
Brexit has made many European nationals feel decidedly unwelcome