Elections for the European Parliament are taking place across the UK on 23 May and the vote of every UNISON will be vital to the outcome.
Few expected that these elections would happen. Under the government’s original timetable, the UK would have left the EU at the end of March.
That we haven’t left is a consequence of both the failure of Theresa May’s government and the lies that were told during the referendum campaign about how easy it would be to negotiate the UK’s withdrawal.
Whilst we are still in the European Union it is important that we choose representatives whose views and values are closest to our own.
These elections are being seen by extremists as an opportunity to increase their support. They will make gains unless those who oppose them turn out to vote. Voting on 23 May is also a chance to vote against austerity.
UNISON general secretary David Prentis commented: “With the far right seeking to exploit these elections, it’s vitally important that all UNISON members vote on 23 May.
“Vote for candidates who will stand up for public services and defend our welfare state. The future of our NHS is at stake.”
Download UNISON’s European elections leaflet.