Christina McAnea joins solidarity mission to Palestine

“Gaza needs a ceasefire now if there is to be any hope of peace, justice and a viable Palestinian state”

Cutting staff is a false economy and won’t help the NHS meet its targets

Services and waiting times won’t improve if staff numbers fall

Diane Abbott is an inspiration to many people

First Black female MP blazed a trail

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Opinion: ‘The past is gloomy, but the future doesn’t have to be’

In the PM’s own words, we can now decide between ‘the past and the future’

Beleaguered public services need investment not an army of reluctant teen ‘volunteers’

Investment in youth services would be better than hare-brained schemes

Fairer work will be good news for millions, says UNISON

Fair pay agreement for care will boost recruitment in the sector

Tory attacks on employment rights show how little they understand what working people want

Everyone wants to be treated well and respected at work.

UNISON centre sign

NEC told: ‘If you don’t vote Labour, you’re giving a vote to the Tories’

Christina McAnea tells national executive council: ‘We want to see as many Labour MPs returned as possible’

Workers in councils and schools should reject low pay offer, says UNISON

Staff to be consulted over employers’ pay proposal

UNISON centre sign

Statement in solidarity with student protests for Gaza

Peaceful protests, encampments and occupations on university campuses have played an important role in many struggles against injustices in the world

Gas stove

UNISON raises concerns over UK energy security

National Grid plans to put the biggest natural gas terminal on the market

Election can’t come soon enough, says UNISON

A new government that value public services is needed desperately

Skills boot camps for the unemployed a desperate attempt to distract from government failings

Forcing unemployed into care jobs with poor wages is not the answer

old-fashioned tap with water running from it

Opinion: The water industry is a national scandal

Privatisation has meant failing water infrastructure, increased sewage spillages and reduced confidence in the safety of drinking water, while shareholders pocket billions

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

UNISON opinion: Supporting our LGBT+ members is crucial

Today’s international day against homophobia, bi+phobia and transphobia comes as the UK has slipped down the rainbow map rankings