New TUC research shows a national care system is needed now, says UNISON

Government must get a grip of reforming the sector

Give all NHS staff a wage rise immediately of at least £2k, says UNISON

Staff deserve immediate wage lift from government

School staff should be allowed to wear face coverings, says UNISON

Commenting on the government’s decision to allow secondary pupils to wear face coverings in school corridors in local lockdown areas of England, UNISON head of education Jon Richards said today (Wednesday): “This is a welcome step forward but still leaves a confusing picture. “The focus on pupils is understandable but the government has already admitted the biggest risk […]

School staff must be allowed to wear face coverings for safe reopening, says UNISON

Chief UK medical officers’ views show staff need face coverings

UNISON local government staff accept new pay deal 

Work will now begin on fair award for next year

Give disabled people the right to work from home after Covid-19, says UNISON    

Survey shows majority are more productive home working but employers not allowing them

Nurse apprentice funding ‘step in right direction’ but pay needs sorting, says UNISON   

Helga Pile says government must guarantee a fair and consistent wage

Clearer guidance still needed on face coverings in schools in England, says UNISON    

Ruth Levin says government should allow school staff and pupils to wear masks if they want to

New evaluation system should help government concentrate on delivering for social care, says UNISON     

Christina McAnea says reform needed to address gaping chasm between ministers’ pledges and the reality

Care staff aren’t getting proper sick pay promised by ministers, UNISON survey shows

Survey reveals failure of basic measures to halt infection spread

Limit on mega council pay-offs could cost middle-income workers thousands

Long-serving staff caught up in flawed government law

Government must do all it can to defend jobs and stave off mass unemployment, says UNISON

NHS and care sector must be in best possible state

NHS workforce need actions to match the promises, says UNISON  

Sara Gorton says People Plan must be backed with investment for early and significant pay rise

Public want NHS staff to get early and significant pay rise

Pay award should be in place before the end of the year

More cleaners needed to make ​English schools safe for return of pupils and staff, says UNISON

Jon Richards calls on government to provide schools with funds to increase cleaning services