It’s Get Online Week from 15 to 21 October – as the use of digital technology increases in the workplace, we want members to try one thing online to increase their digital skills and gain digital confidence
members’ learning
Louise Evans says the first step is the hardest, but the climb gets a little easier with each step you take
Jane Collier is an occupational therapist and branch education officer at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital

Sue’s story is a great personal achievement and a tremendous testimony to the value of union learning, says Dave Prentis, presenting the award

‘Too small’ to be a nurse in her native South Africa, one member now finds herself in South Wales embarking on a nursing degree
UNISON welcomes new campaign by NHS Social Partnership Forum in England
his week is Adult Learners’ Week, an annual opportunity to celebrate the value and pleasure of getting back into learning as an adult
During Adult Learners Week more than 50 UNISON branches have arranged over 90 learning events across the West Midlands region
Thinking about what you can do to help tackle stress and promote wellbeing in the workplace? Read how ULRs and branches are using learning to promote health and wellbeing amongst members