During Adult Learners Week, from 20 to 24 May, more than 50 UNISON branches have arranged over 90 learning events across the West Midlands region.
It is the perfect opportunity to publicise the valuable work of the union’s regional education service in supporting members and representatives in lifelong learning, and to demonstrate to non-members just one of the benefits of belonging to UNISON.
The events range from the more traditional union themes of labour history, employment law and understanding union agreements, to everyday, practical issues like managing stress, CV writing, beauty and make up, improving literacy and numeracy, promoting healthy living and financial planning.
There are also lots of fun events being held during this week that promote learning in its widest sense, like zumba and salsa dancing, and the benefits of growing your own fruit and vegetables.
The region is also launching its new education and training website, Learn in UNISON West Midlands. This is still under construction, so for the time being it will only be available to be view.
When fully functional, the website will provide information on all the UNISON and TUC course programmes available in the West Midlands, with a host of features to assist members and representatives with their learning needs.