With the World Cup now underway, UNISON has published new guidance on how workplaces can support survivors of domestic abuse
domestic violence

Major debate looks at the Westminster government’s COVID record, from procurement of PPE to the impact on Black workers

The abduction and murder of Sarah Everard has jump-started a conversation about how it can be acceptable that so many women experience fear so often

UNISON hosted a panel event on empowering victims and survivors of domestic abuse in the workplace, with speakers including MP Jess Phillips

New domestic abuse protection orders will help to prevent abusive partners coming to victims’ workplaces

UNISON Northern Ireland host an online event to mark International End Violence Against Women and Girls Day

MP Jess Phillips has taken on board UNISON amendments to help protect those who have suffered domestic abuse
Refuge services for survivors of domestic violence have been decimated by the public-sector funding cuts, UNISON’s women’s conference heard

Health board acted unfairly in dismissing nurse for short-term sickness absences when she was experiencing domestic abuse

Cavell Trust research shows importance of union’s support for members as well as campaigning and negotiation on ‘an issue for everyone’

Women in prison, suicide and domestic violence are just some of the issues UNISON vice president Margaret McKee is tackling
Labour MP Naz Shah wins applause with the story of her own personal politics