Search tagged BREXIT

Blog: The UK cannot leave the EU without a deal – the risk is too great

Last week, I met the Prime Minister in Downing Street. I spoke to her at length about the concerns of public service workers. I told her that years of austerity at the hands of her party mean public services are already at breaking point. I told her that the economic calamity of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit would wreck the economy and cause untold damage to services which simply can’t take further pain. I told her about the lives of those UNISON represents – the hospital porters, librarians and school cooks –and the pressure her government has already put them under.

General Secretary's blog, News on the UNISON National site.

Spare the country the calamity of a ‘no-deal’, says UNISON

A ‘no-deal’ Brexit must be avoided at all costs

Press release on the UNISON National site.

The government took too long to scrap settled status fee, says UNISON

This idea should never have seen the light of day in the first place

Press release on the UNISON National site.

Extend article 50 and avoid no-deal Brexit catastrophe

At a time when the far right is on the rise and politicians are viewed with disillusionment and cynicism, it’s vital that the best possible remaining options be pursued, and quickly. There has to be a way to spare the pain of a no-deal catastrophe.

General Secretary's blog, News on the UNISON National site.

Prentis says ‘no-deal Brexit’ would be disastrous for workers

General secretary tells Black members’ conference that UNISON is vital in the fight against an ‘incompetent and malicious’ government

Article on the UNISON National site.

UNISON – standing together to fight racism and xenophobia

Black members’ conference is united around the need to work together to injustice and bigotry

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Avoid a catastrophic ‘no deal’ at all costs, says UNISON

Commenting on the Brexit vote today (Tuesday) UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “The country has no faith in the prime minister’s ability to get her Brexit deal passed, now it’s clear MPs don’t either. It’s time for a vote of no confidence and a general election so people can vote in a new government […]

Press release on the UNISON National site.

UNISON reacts to Brexit draft deal between the UK and the EU

Any deal that fails to protect public services, defend rights at work and avoid a hard border in Ireland is a deal that’s bad for all of us

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Employers encouraged to pay EU workers’ ‘settled status’ fees

UNISON publishes new guidance for branches, and a model letter to public-service employers, as pilot scheme is rolled out across the UK in November, based on employment

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

‘We can’t sleepwalk into another Windrush’

MPs voice cross-party support for protecting the rights of all five million EU and UK citizens threatened by Brexit

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

UNISON members set for final lobby over their Brexit future

Union calls for citizens’ rights to be ‘written in stone’ – whatever happens to Brexit negotiations

News on the UNISON National site.

September – and we are on song!

Health pay, local government cuts, outsourcing, Brexit…. new term, same curriculum

Article, Magazine, News on the UNISON National site.

UNISON spells out settled status for its EU members

The union introduces new guidance documents and web pages dedicated to Brexit

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Race equality in the UK is going backwards, says conference

Delegates have grim view of progress despite 50 years of race relations legislation

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

UNISON conference makes the case for a ‘Workers’ Brexit’

Tories pushing the UK ‘towards a cliff edge’, Brighton delegates are told

Article, News on the UNISON National site.