From Birmingham to Bangor, from Doncaster to Sandwell, UNISON members were winning in May – and their union was growing stronger too
theresa may
Theresa May can leave Downing Street, but the country won’t notice a difference while the Conservative Party remains in power.
Crashing out of the EU in just over two weeks would be a disaster
A ‘no-deal’ Brexit must be avoided at all costs
Dave Prentis comments on the Prime Minister’s speech to the Conservative Party conference
A year ago Theresa May promised she’d govern differently. Of course, the past 12months have shown that her promises aren’t worth listening to. But it is not too late for the prime minister to take a different course, and invest in our nation’s health and in those who care for us.
Nurses, social workers and teaching assistants will be among EU citizens who will today (Monday) lobby MPs over their right to remain in the UK. The lobby is aimed at urging the government to guarantee immediately that these citizens will be able to stay post-Brexit. There are more than three million EU citizens living in […]
Politics is not an exercise in wish fulfilment. Actions are what matters. Poverty can’t be willed into extinction merely by asking for it. Nor fairness introduced to the economy through platitudes. Tax avoidance won’t end while she heads a government that actively encourages greed. The centre ground can’t be claimed while pursuing an unashamedly retro right-wing agenda.
Theresa May entered Downing Street three months ago promising to do things differently. She was going to stand up for working people. She was going to be on the side of ordinary families. It’s a trick new Tory leaders often deploy, but it’s never long before they show their true colours.
Everyone deserves to go to a good school – regardless of their background or their academic ability. That simply won’t be achieved by stacking even greater advantage and privilege in the hands of a few schools to the detriment of everyone else.
If this Tory government really cared about making our country fairer and more prosperous then decent pay for education workers would be one of their top priorities.

Today, we get a new prime minister: Theresa May – and our union will challenge where necessary but also push our agenda on the issues that matter