Gender Identity – A Workplace Issue

Conference welcomes the progress made – with the active involvement of trans members – in raising the profile of trans issues in UNISON. This has included the establishment of an inclusive LGBT group, the setting up of a growing trans caucus with representation on the National Committee and the production of specific organising and bargaining […]

Local Authority Employee Forums

Conference notes the increase and the development of employee forums for BME, disabled, women and LGBT employees. In principle we welcome this development as an additional opportunity for employees who may face discrimination and prejudice in the workplace to gain support from fellow employees and use the forums to raise with respective HR departments, concerns, […]

Human Rights are Fundamental

Conference notes that: 1.A well-defined Human Rights charter defines the basic principles of a fair, democratic and decent society. In that sense the Human Rights Act has had some success in providing a foundation for greater equality in the United Kingdom. 2.These principles often come under attack from many sources, who find it easy to […]

Freedom of Assembly and Expression

Conference notes: 1.There is a growing climate in various countries, including members of the European Union and/or Council of Europe, for organised opposition to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) pride marches and events; 2.That in some countries, such opposition is being supported by national, regional and/or local government figures and the involvement of far-right […]

No Waiting Lists and Gender Reassignment Surgery Funding

Conference is deeply concerned that medical treatment in some areas of the United Kingdom (UK) is at times very difficult to obtain or there is no provision or support on the basis there is no waiting list. This includes areas such as Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS) and haematology, an area of medicine closely related to […]

Blood Service, Tissue and Organ Donations

Conference notes that Resolution 92 passed at the UNISON National Delegate Conference (NDC) 2006, called for a review of research in the ban by the Blood Services across the United Kingdom (UK), of gay and bisexual men from donating blood. Conference further notes that the resolution also asked that UNISON have an effective input into […]

Human Rights Based Approached to Combating Discrimination

Conference recognises the value of human rights in promoting dignity, equality and protection for all people, especially those who may be vulnerable to abuse of their human rights. Conference also acknowledges the work carried out by the British Institute of Human Rights and the Department of Health in this area and in particular notes the […]

Safeguarding Monitoring Data

Conference notes and welcomes the work carried out by UNISON and the TUC on the issue of workplace monitoring, in particular stressing the need for data to be dealt with in a confidential manner. Whilst recommending to branch and regional LGBT groups the need to continue to raise the profile of this guidance at the […]

Self Organised Group National Committees

Conference notes that: 1.UNISON rule D4.6.3 provides that the National Executive Council shall have the right to send women members of the National Executive Council to the national women’s committee and conference; 2.Elsewhere, rule D4 makes no equivalent provision with respect to the other self-organised group national committees or conferences; but, 3.The current National Executive […]

A Truly Representative UNISON National Executive Council

Conference welcomes the change in UNISON National Executive Council (NEC) additional/explicitly named as seats to now be Black Members only seats. Conference believes the UNISON NEC should be as fully representative as possible of the membership of UNISON. Conference welcomes the development of a UNISON wide Equality scheme which will require all parts of the […]

Recruiting and Organising Young LGBT People

This Conference believes it is essential that UNISON does more to organise and recruit young members, and that LGBT members have an important part to play in that work. Conference notes the collaboration between the Scottish LGBT Committee and the Scottish Young Members Committee in their pursuit of the LGBT Youth Scotland Charter Mark. Through […]

Inclusion of Retired Members in Branch and Regional SOG Groups

Following on from the resolutions of our last two conferences urging National Committee to be more proactive concerning retired LGBT members it is still unclear to many exactly how members can remain involved when they retire. Self Organisation is written into UNISON’s rulebook as a real commitment to overcoming barriers and prejudices faced disproportionately by […]

Hate Crime Reporting

Conference welcomes the recent inclusion of homophobic hate crime within England and Wales leading to an aggravated offence and inclusion in hate crime statistics. Conference notes the high prevalence of hate crimes towards LGT communities as well as significant under reporting of such offences, and calls for uniform protection from hate crimes for LGBT people […]

Hate Crime in Scotland

In 2006 the Scottish Executive removed homophobia (and disability) from hate crime legislation at the last minute, despite the recommendation of the Hate Crime Working Group that they be included. The Equality Network responded by saying “We’re extremely disappointed that two years after the Hate Crime Working Group recommended this change the Executive rejected it. […]

Cuts to Health Services for Women

The National Health Service (NHS) is in crisis. Much of the government’s injection of additional investment has ended up in the pockets of private companies. The end result of government policies has been job losses, cuts, closures and privatisation. Women form the majority of the workforce in the NHS, and are also disproportionately represented in […]