Conference welcomes the excellent work of the primary care campaign to date and recognises the importance of the work already underway within UNISON to develop a training programme for stewards in primary care settings. Conference recognises the difficulties involved in recruiting potential members within primary care trusts, which are often dispersed over wide geographical areas, […]


In September 2006, NHS Logistics showed their solidarity in strength with two one-day strikes, the 1st in the NHS for nearly 20 years. More than 85% were protesting about new labours continuing use of the private sector in the NHS. Unfortunately, NHS Logistics Members now have to work under DHL and a new name “NHS […]


This Conference is concerned about the increasing number of members involved in Blue Light duties who are being subjected to punitive actions by their health service employers when their diabetes status is declared. Branches have reported that neighbouring fire and police authorities are continuing to make reasonable adjustments in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act […]

Psychometric Testing – a Barrier to Discriminate Black People

UNISON welcomes the efforts made so far by councils, the National Health Service, and other public service providers in Great Britain, who have committed themselves, to fully implement and mainstream equality. In claiming equality of opportunity and fairness, many public service providers use psychometric tests as part of their selections and recruitment process for technical, […]

Support for Black Members’ and Activists

Conference reaffirms UNISON’s reliance on active stewards/officers in all workplaces, covering all groups of members, for organising and delivering for members. Therefore support given to stewards/officers to enable them to do their job must be a central priority at all levels within the union. It is noted that such volunteer representatives give considerable commitment, often […]

International Work

Conference welcomes UNISON’s high priority given to international work. This is consistent both with our commitment to oppose war, poverty, oppression and exploitation wherever it arises. However, in a world dominated by the ‘globalisation of capital’, it is also a matter of vital importance to all our members that conditions of workers around the world […]

Migrant Workers

National Black Members Conference welcomes the overwhelming support expressed at UNISON National Delegate Conference 2005 for Composite G, which called for an amnesty for illegal workers to end exploitation. We note that the successful composite dealt with the vital need to organise migrant workers, and also called upon the Government to grant an amnesty for […]

Challenging Racism: Challenging Islamophobia

Conference notes that data from the census reveals that Muslim communities face disproportionate disadvantage compared to other groups: the highest rate of unemployment, the poorest health, and the highest levels of disability. This was confirmed in TUC’s 2005 report which highlighted that 69% of Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities live below the poverty line. Research by […]

Claiming our Children from the Streets

With increased cuts in youth services and the impact this has on young people in inner city communities’ Conference notes with concern the level of youth offending and gang cultures. Conference notes with great concern the most recent spate of black on black violence manifesting in street robberies assaults and in some instances the murder […]


Disabled people are constantly presented with barriers, and in some cases hazards arising from modern methods of packaging products. In terms of labelling particularly foods stuffs and medications there are major barriers as a consequence arising from the formats used to produced such information. Therefore this conference calls upon the National Disabled Members Committee to […]


Historically disabled people have been victims of discrimination, marginalisation and in some cases, murder under fascist regimes. This National Disabled Members Conference applauds and fully supports UNISON nationally for its publicity campaigns that expose the British National Party for what it really is – an organization that discriminates against people on ground of disability, sexual […]


Conference applauds UNISON’s commitment to ensuring that its members are kept informed on various health issues. This information is generated by various committees within UNISON including Health and Safety and Women’s Self Organization etc. Many of these leaflets and publications could be used to inform members of their rights under the Disability Discrimination Act. The […]


This Conference notes that the Government published its ‘Welfare Reform Bill on 4th July 2006. This Bill contains powers to replace incapacity benefits with a new Employment Support Allowance. The Government have said that they do not intend to force people back into work where it is not appropriate and that people will continue to […]

Sickness Absence Policies

Conference is appalled by the continuing discrimination by employers towards disabled members when using Sickness Absence policies. Many of these employers carry the two tick logo. Schemes like the ‘Bradford Factor’, where a disabled member could pick up 1000’s of points with ongoing treatment for their disability, place staff under massive pressure to reduce their […]


The Scottish Disabled Members’ Group is concerned that no accurate statistics exist on the number of disabled members in the union. The interim report of the Equalities Review would indicate that as many as 1 in 4 people in the UK could be classified as disabled under the DDA. Impending legislation would increase this number, […]