Conference notes the devastation caused by the earthquake that has struck the Caribbean Island of Haiti. Reports have revealed that over 200,000 Haitians have died, including nursing staff, volunteers and other aid workers. The Haitian government estimate that 1.5 million have been left homeless in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince and are sleeping on the streets […]
Conference motions
This conference welcomes the long awaited review of the United Nations (UN) Durban World Conference Against Racism took place in Geneva from 20th to 24th April 2009. The conference news was dominated by the absence of “key” countries such as America, Canada and Australia and the “controversial” speech by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian Prime Minister […]
This conference is aware that Apprenticeship schemes are limited and would like to encourage Young Black Workers to have better access to information on apprenticeship schemes. Conference is concerned about the low numbers of young Black workers that have successfully completed Apprenticeship schemes. Conference therefore calls upon the National Black Members’ Committee to work with […]
We recognise and welcome the Single Equality Bill which will change Discrimination Legislation in important ways. We recognise the significance of the clause on positive action and measures to redress historic discrimination in the recruitment and promotion of Black and other discriminated groups. However this Bill provides an opportunity to go beyond monitoring statistics and […]
The number of Black Members attending National Delegates Conference is significantly low. Often Black Members in our branches are not aware or provided the opportunity to attend National Delegate Conference, despite UNISON having rules on proportionality and fair representation. Currently National Black Members Committee mandates 2 members to attend NDC in line with their constitution. […]
NBMC welcomes the Government’s commitment to introduce new in the Equality Bill. UNISON Black members have experienced the full effects of the recession and have felt its significant impact within the workplace especially in terms of reduction of staffing in key positions roles and services. The new bill has a few key elements that impact […]
Conference notes the rise of the far right in Europe. Conference is appalled that two BNP members have been elected as MEP’s in Britain. The economic recession is leading to a further rise in racism and in attacks on the asylum and refugee community, especially in the run up to the General Election. We must […]
It has been reported in the media (BBC London News 6.6.09) that the Metropolitan Police Service in 2008 had stopped 170,000 people which led to only 65 arrests under the Government’s stop and Search Act. This statement if true is disgraceful and needs to be placed in some sort of context. UNISON has long been […]
After the disastrous results which saw the BNP pick up two European parliament seats, there is not doubt that the feeling of the British public has been widely expressed throughout the political process during the Council and European elections. They have delivered damning verdict the Labour government’s proposals to impose a National Identification card to […]
Conference commends UNISON’s International work including Action Aid, Water and sanitation in Gaza, creating awareness of corporate tax evasion in developing countries, HIV and Aids in Southern Africa, to name just a few. Conference is, however, concerned about UNISON’s lack of work on the eradication of malaria, a killing machine that has, for so many […]
UNISON has had a long and historic link with the Labour party, but this government is no longer seen as a party for the working class or a party that has any interest in the masses, it continues to use political terminology such as disadvantage to place Black people in society. Therefore offering no hope […]
It is well known that young people are the future of this organisation and with that in mind we need a targeted advertising campaign to recruit more young Black members into UNISON, working directly with NUS Black Student campaign, UNISON young members and other Black orientated youth organisations. We call upon National Black Members’ Committee […]
Black members’ conference welcomes the Government’s proposed commitment to introduce new harmonised and comprehensive equality legislation in the Equality Bill. UNISON Black members have experienced the full effects of the recession and recognise that only strong anti-discrimination legislation, and a proactive public sector duty, will protect both Black communities and the workforce. In particular Conference […]
The present economic crisis is a threat to the living standards, jobs and pensions of all working classes around the world. In the United Kingdom where we have a one million young people under the age of twenty five year olds out of work and increasing unemployment across the private sector and public sector. A […]
This conference would like to raise the issue of the current process of electing Black NEC members to the reserved Black seats. Presently this process is open to the whole membership of our union. We believe that any election to these seats should only be voted on by Black members as the seats are for […]