Empty school classroom

Unions urge education secretary to extend free COVID testing

No 10’s Living with COVID plan ‘is likely to result in further illness and disruption to face-to-face education’

School meal worker serving children

Low sick pay is leaving school meals staff unable to self-isolate

UNISON has written to the 20 biggest catering companies to urge that they review their sick pay policies in order to help keep staff and pupils safe

Allow schools to close early as Omicron spreads exponentially, says UNISON 

Stopping the virus in its tracks and keeping pupils and communities safe should be a top priority

Government must act right away to prevent disruption in schools, say unions

It’s not too late for ministers to introduce additional measures to protect pupils, staff and their families before Christmas.

New COVID-19 variant: updated guidance does not go far enough, says UNISON

The union is calling on the Westminster government to urgently introduce additional measures to protect pupils and staff in all schools

Schools risk support staff exodus over pay, warns UNISON 

Many have reached a point where they simply can’t afford to stay in the job they love.

The awesome lives of school caretakers

UNISON member Maggie Fordham is a support worker in her local UNISON branch. Here, she writes about some of the remarkable school caretakers she’s met in her job.

Magazine, UNISON people on the Magazine site.

Education unions call for urgent action on climate change crisis

School estates must be sustainable and curriculum must change

Help improve COVID-19 safety in schools

UNISON is asking members to email their MP to put pressure on the government to reintroduce COVID-19 safety measures in schools

New toolkit highlights positive impact of teaching assistants

Independent research shows that, on average, teaching assistants add an additional four months of pupil progress over the course of a year

Microscopic view of the Coronavirus

UNISON urges MPs to act amid surging school COVID-19 cases

Education unions have sent an urgent letter asking MPs to call the government to action

Fair pay for council and school workers

The forgotten frontline: council and school staff need a 10% pay rise

UNISON is calling for a 10% pay rise for all local government workers, as financial recognition for their commitment to public service

Government’s “alarming” approach abandons children to the risks of Covid

The government’s alarming approach abandons children to a highly transmissible virus spreading at a record pace through schools

Unions call on secondary schools and colleges to retain masks

UNISON joins other education unions in England to put the case for continuing use of face coverings by staff and children

A ‘big bang’ reopening of schools is ‘unnecessary and reckless’, says UNISON

Union says a phased return of all schools and colleges in England from 8 March will protect pupils and staff