Back our teaching assistants, Labour urged

Be proud of the work that teaching assistants do to improve standards in our classrooms across the country, Angela Rayner tells conference

Final call on members to take part in LGBT austerity research

LGBT people who use public services and people who provide services to LGBT people are asked to let us know how they are affected by public spending cuts

UNISON reaction to Ed Miliband speech

‘When Ed spoke about the things that matter to people they listened, but lectures about the historic relationship between unions and the Labour party are a turn off’

TUC urged to take notice of ‘invisible’ women

UNISON vice president reminds delegates of the impact of austerity on women in the workplace

Back to school but not for all

Truancy rates rocket as families struggle to pay bills

West Midlands answering the call to save the NHS

Activists from branches all across the region are sending coaches to Manchester to coincide with the Conservative Party national conference for the national Save the NHS rally on 29 September

Underemployment is ‘plaguing the country and stifling economic growth’

Warning from UNISON West Midlands regional secretary Ravi Subramanian

Unemployment figures – UNISON reaction

Toxic combination of a part-time, minimum wage, zero-hours working is spreading across the country, as decently paid, full-time opportunities become increasingly rare

Scottish councils must scrap care-on-the-cheap home visits

UNISON calls for a ban on 15-minute homecare visits, insisting on appointments that match the needs of clients

How is austerity affecting the LGBT community?

Help our research to uncover the effect austerity is having, whether you are an LGBT service user or working providing services

Citizens Advice dispute goes to ACAS

UNISON Scotland and Citizens Advice Direct to meet at ACAS in Glasgow tomorrow over bid to withdraw from contractual payments

What keeps you awake at night?

Take the UNISON survey and get the chance to win a mini e-reader

Loughborough University agrees to pay the living wage

UNISON celebrates a successful campaign that wins the living wage for over 300 staff

HMIC police austerity cuts report shows danger gaps in blue line

The front line can only work efficiently if it has sufficient resources, sufficient back-up and sufficient support in the so-called back office

Our young people need hope

Do not be under any illusions – this government has waged an unprecedented attack on young people and their hope for the future.