UNISON’s West Midlands region is determined to answer the call for our NHS by joining UNISON’s rally for the NHS in Manchester on 29 September.
The event is expected to be the biggest national rally outside London calling on the government to reverse its health reforms and save the NHS.
Branches across the West Midlands region are filling coaches for the rally which was called by the TUC to coincide with the Conservative Party national conference in Manchester.
Regional head of health, Franco Buonaguro said: “The 999 Save the NHS call is being made to all members in all service groups. Our members and their families rely up on the NHS and public services.
“We will be sending a clear anti-austerity message to the government who are enforcing unprecedented cuts which are crushing communities, forcing people into long-term unemployment, increasing dependency on welfare benefits and snatching any hopes for the future away from our young people.
“Austerity is not working for people or the economy and we need a change of direction.
“This rally will focus on the impact of huge job losses and spending cuts across our NHS. The new healthcare reform bill has introduced a market place in the NHS which involves the rapid sell-off of the most lucrative parts to private healthcare companies – many of whom like Circle are Conservative party donors.
“It is an opportunity for UNISON to come together with community groups, members of the public and other trade unions to speak up for jobs and services, and voice their opposition to austerity.”
Below is a list, so far, of branches who are organising coaches:
- Birmingham;
- Coventry District
- Coventry University
- Dudley general;
- George Eliot hospital branch;
- North Staffs hospital and Staffs Community health branches;
- Redditch and Bromsgrove branch;
- Sandwell general UNISON branch;
- Shropshire general;
- Solihull NHS care trust;
- Solihull branch;
- Staffordshire UNISON branch;
- Walsall general;
- Walsall healthcare branch;
- West Midlands ambulance service;
- Wolverhampton general branch;
- Worcestershire county;
- West Midlands region.
Mr Buonaguro asked members taking alternative transport methods to let their branch know.
Contact your branch to book your seats, or if you wish to book seats on one of the coaches leaving from the Regional Centre (24 Livery Street Bham B3 2PA) email Jessica Pardesi j.pardesi@unison.co.uk
Hands off our hospital – George Eliot answers the call
UNISON George Eliot Hospital branch are answering the 999 call to rally against Tory privatisation on 29 September in Manchester.
UNISON, with other unions and the community, retain the faith in Nye Bevan’s famous quote; “The NHS will last as long as there are folk people left with faith to fight for it.”
George Eliot Hospital Trust has entered into an open procurement process which invites bids from any qualified health provider, including the private sector.
Hands Off George Eliot campaign is calling for a review as a result of recent developments in the health and an NHS Solution in the interest of patients, staff and the community. Read more on this story: Hands off our local hospital! – Stronger Unions
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