Loughborough University agrees to pay the living wage

University of Loughborough branch secretary Rob Pearson (4th from right) celebrates the living wage success with East Midlands regional secretary Helen Black (4th from left), the region’s head of higher education Catherine Mellors (far left) and colleagues


UNISON has negotiated an agreement with Loughborough University that will see the lowest-paid staff receive the living wage from 1 August 2013.

Along with other campus trade unions, UNISON has successfully campaigned for and won the living wage for over 300 university staff, whose current lowest rate is £6.94p per hour.

Those staff will see their new hourly pay rate significantly increased to £7.45 per hour – the living wage rate that was set after work by researchers at Loughborough’s own Centre for Research in Social Policy.

UNISON head of higher education Donna Rowe-Merriman said: “This is a great achievement by the Loughborough University branch, on behalf of staff who will see a tremendous benefit in their pay.

“During this time of austerity, UNISON members see their pay as an issue that really matters to them, with squeezed incomes leaving staff under increasing financial pressures.

“UNISON welcomes the decision from the institution that sets the living wage to pay that wage to its own staff, recognising the benefits to the employer as well as its staff in making the change.”

UNISON: pay in education

The Living Wage