Police Community Support Officer Funding

This Conference is aware that Government funding for the Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) employed by many police forces across the country is shortly to come to an end. Some police forces have indicated that they may not be able to maintain the levels of PCSOs that they currently employ when this funding runs out. […]

Service Group Executive

At the Service Group Seminar at Croyde Bay in 2003, the Service Group Executive were asked to report in full on the progress made towards achieving the goals of Composite C of the Service Group Conference 2003. Conference is dismayed that no report was given. This Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to prioritise the […]

Fair pay for police staff

In 2003 this Conference approved Composite C, Fair pay for Police Staff. This motion instructed the Service Group Executive to: 1)enter into negotiations with the employers to establish a similar scheme for UNISON members in order to re-address the pay gap; 2)report back in full to the 2003 National Service Group Seminar. This Conference instructs […]

Service Group Conference

In 2002, at the Service Group Conference, Composite 1 was approved by Conference. This composite called for the Service Group Executive to merge the Annual Service Group Conference and Annual Seminar in a single 2/3 day event away from the National Delegate Conference. In its annual report of 2003 the Service Group Executive stated that: […]

Local Government Pension Scheme Pensions

This Conference calls upon the Government to reconsider changes in the Local Government Pensions Scheme (LGPS) which may be detrimental to our members. Such changes include: 1)from April 2004, the right to a return of pensions contributions are to be removed and immediate ‘vesting’ of pension rights will be introduce; 2)from April 2005, increasing the […]

Policing the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003

Conference notes: 1)that the long-awaited legislation protecting workers from discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation has now been in force for a number of months; 2)that many police service equalities policies already included sexual orientation, and others have now been amended. However, Conference notes that we need now to activate these policies and there is […]

Black Children’s Educational Needs

Staffing Levels

Conference deplores the cost cutting measures used throughout the police service that major on reducing staff numbers to what is less than a safe minimum. Conference is concerned at the effect this has on an already dissatisfied public resulting in our members, and in turn their families, being placed under extreme stress. Conference notes the […]

Access to Training and Development

The Police Staff membership has a long history of under investment by Police Management. Workplace learning and training opportunities to Police Staff has never been seen as a priority. It is often viewed as unnecessary by some employers or treated in a slipshod and half-hearted manner by others, who undervalue Police Staff and their role […]

Removal of Unnecessary Police Management

Conference notes with pride the unity that forming our Service Group has brought to the family that makes up Police Staff. We note the strength that unity brings to us and we are aware that we are now able to influence the way we work, our employers and our law makers. Unity brings strength and, […]

Racism in UNISON

Conference believes all UNISON branches must have clear and transparent policies on equal opportunity and self-organisation groups firmly written into their branch rules. 1)National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) and National Executive Council (NEC) to endorse the above recommendations with a growing need to tackle racial discrimination or any other form of discrimination within UNISON. 2)To […]

Asserting Rights Under Race Relations Act(s)

Text removed for legal reasons

Facility Time Off for Self-Organised Group Members

Currently members are finding it extremely difficult to attend and be actively involved in UNISON. Members have been continuously forced to take annual leave or flexi-time off for UNISON activities. Let us not have a separatist union of Them and Us. If UNISON is serious about equality then it should follow its own equality policies, […]

The Issue of Racism in the Twentieth Century

Conference notes the recent BBC programme blowing the whistle by extremists among Greater Manchester Police recruits. A member of one of the Manchester Local Authority equal opportunity forums indicated that he was horrified that one of the forums had not met in over a year at a time when equal opportunities and race issues are […]

Promotion and Opportunities for Black Employees in Public Services

Conference believes that there is a ceiling of opportunities for promotion of black employees within the public services, in health and local government. The rate of black employees as compared to the black population within the public service employment falls below the acceptable level. Despite the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, which requires public service […]