Conference notes the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender plus (LGBT+) legislation during the last Labour Government years strengthened our protections and way of life. Within the last decade we have seen further legislation come forward which, whilst has been intended to improve the lives of LGBT+ people, in a lot of respects, we continue to […]

LGBT+ Hate Crime

Conference is concerned about the rise in hate crime against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender plus (LGBT+) community over recent years. Although there is no direct evidence as to the root cause of this, Brexit and a reduction in police staff numbers due to austerity are considered to be contributing to empowering a shift […]

Promoting Inclusion and Diversity in Sports

Conference notes that LGBT+ people continue to face discrimination and exclusion in areas of sport and face barriers in terms of accessing sport, both as a fan and as a participant. People continue to be exposed to homophobic, biphobic and transphobic language, and although this might not always be directed at individuals this impacts on […]

Working to protect the Human Rights of LGBT+ People around the world

Conference, ILGA (the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) have just published their 2019 Sexual Orientation Laws across the world map. It makes alarming reading. There are still 6 countries in the world with the death penalty for being gay, 26 where you can get 10 years in prison and 31 where you […]

LGBT+ Ally Training

Conference, it is no secret that LGBT+, people have a worse experience at work than people who identify as cis-gender and heterosexual. The Government Equalities Office in 2018 stated that 23% of respondents to their survey had experienced negative reactions from people in their workplace due to being, or the perception of them being, LGBT+. […]

Promoting and Expanding LGBT+ Education in Schools

Conference, new statutory Government guidance was issued in 2019 for on Relationship and Sex Education (RSE). RSE covers a range of subjects including families, carers, friendships, relationships, sexual health, safety, consent, abuse, sex and love. From September 2020, all primary schools will be required to teach relationships education and all secondary schools will be required […]


Conference notes that since November 2000, those over 75 have been entitled to a free television licence and that until 2017/18 this was wholly funded by the government. Conference also notes that it is now partly government funded, and that the funding for the scheme will become entirely a matter for the BBC from June […]

Attacks on our benefits

Conference notes that, whoever wins the Tory Party leadership race, there is a possibility of an early general election. In any case, the next one has to be in 2022 at the latest. Conference is extremely perturbed at noises coming from the Government about saving loads more money by axing the benefits older people receive […]

The Future of Social Care

Conference notes that the Government has been promising a Green Paper on Social Care since 2017 and that, to date, nothing has been produced. Conference further notes that Social Care is now in crisis and deemed by many to be unsustainable in its current form. The Government’s approach to this crisis has been to put […]

Standards should not be allowed to drop for our elderly in care

Conference notes with serious concern the June 2018 report of the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland (COPNI) into Dunmurry Manor Care Home and believes that the abuse and neglect of residents in the home that it details is both shocking and appalling. Council notes that COPNI began its investigation into Dunmurry Manor after […]


Conference supports the view expressed by previous motions that a revised UNISON Charter for Older People could be a valuable resource to promote the UNISON Retired Members’ Organisation, help retain members when they retire, involve and activate retired members and showcase UNISON and trade unionism among older people. Conference notes that there is much existing […]

Cancer Screening

Breast and bowel cancers are two of the biggest cancer killers in the United Kingdom (UK). There are around 10,000 deaths from the former and 16,500 from the latter. Across the different parts of the UK upper age limits for breast and bowel cancer screening are routinely set by the relevant health authorities. This motion […]


Conference notes with concern that in an ageing society the public transport system in the UK fails to meet the needs of older people. This is as a result of a reduction in bus services, lack of rural transport, rising fares, increased journey times and cancelled trains. The inability to travel has a major impact […]


Conference notes with concern the growing number of winter deaths year by year as a result of cold related illnesses in England and Wales. An estimated 50,100 older people died in England and Wales between December 2017 and March 2018. This equates to 417 deaths a day or 17 deaths an hour which was the […]

Withheld and Unclaimed Benefits

Conference expresses its deep concern that the suicide of an 81 year old pensioner left with no money because the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) wrongly stopped her State Pension and Winter fuel allowance because of changes to her pension credit entitlement. She had only £5 when she died. Older people often cannot easily […]