Search Results for “Pay and conditions” tagged trade union rights

UNISON will not be gagged, higher education branches hear at seminar

As well as the Trade Union Bill, discussions covered cuts to higher and further education funding, cuts to student grants, increases in loans to students and calls for […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

The Trade Union Bill: Jenny’s story

The best thing about my job is the patient contact and caring aspects. The worst day I ever had was when it was only me and a nurse on duty with a very […]

Article, UNISON voices on the UNISON National site.

700,000 joiners shows our strength, Prentis tells health conference

The cuts to tax credits - which will affect thousands of low paid UNISON members and their families - have shown that the government is not interested […]

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Trade Union Bill is bad for democracy and for working people, says UNISON

But ministers are determined to stop working people from standing up for themselves at work. “They want to stop union reps from carrying out their duties […]

Article, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Welsh members rally against Trade Union Bill

As UNISON and other union members gathered, regional secretary Margaret Thomas vowed: "We will continue to lobby […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

The Trade Union Bill: John’s story

In general, I do not think the Trade Union Bill is a good thing because it takes from me my right to have my voice heard, among the […]

Article, UNISON voices on the UNISON National site.

Essential cover for you at work

Maternity leave, pension provision, a minimum wage, safe working environments and holiday and sickness entitlements are just some of the things working people have fought for and […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

Trying to stop check-off for union subs ‘a silly and petty policy’

Trade Union Bill is “unfair, unnecessary and undemocratic,” says Doncaster mayor Ros Jones

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Thank you to everyone who made Sunday a success

With flags, banners, hand-painted slogans and placards declaring "I'm proud to be in UNISON", they made their feelings known […]

General Secretary's blog on the UNISON National site.

‘Together we can defeat the bill’ Prentis tells Manchester rally

UNISON members from across the UK made up a large, visible and very noisy part of the 85,000 demonstrators protesting at austerity and the attacks on workers in […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

Burnley is latest council to attack Trade Union Bill

Warning that the bill will "undermine constructive employment relations and civil liberties" and "have a serious effect on the authority's relationship with its workforce […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

Trade Union Bill survey – your right to support at work is being attacked

UNISON is campaigning against the bill. We believe MPs should be focusing on the real problems our country faces […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

Councils condemn trade union bill

In the last week, Gateshead and Sunderland councils in the north east of England have also condemned the bill, while Renfrewshire […]

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

UNISON welcomes Caerphilly motion on Trade Union Bill

The motion says the bill is an attack on democracy and is socially divisive; it will lead to more confrontational relationships between employers and […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

Time for the government to get its priorities straight

Stock markets are up and down again. Unemployment has begun to rise. Living standards are at painful lows for many of the […]

General Secretary's blog on the UNISON National site.