This is a bad bill but without the labour movement pushing back with passion and vigour, it could have been much worse.
trade union bill
Ministers have backed away from an outright ban on facility time across the UK’s public services

‘Now at least UNISON can concentrate on campaigning to protect public sector employees at work and the services they deliver’
This is a change that wasn’t in the interest of public service workers, employers or those who rely upon the services they provide. I’m glad that the government have seen sense at this late stage.
Dave Prentis comments on the announcement in the Lords that the government is no longer to stop unions from collecting members’ subs via their pay packets
Peers vote for three key changes to the government’s damaging trade union reforms
Facility time, overwork and workplace stress among the big themes as unions engage with employers

East Midlands women speak out against unnecessary change in law ‘that can only harm relations between employers and workers’
When even the person the government charged with reviewing industrial action has so much criticism for the Trade Union Bill – surely they must realise they have gone too far?
Understandably many of the UNISON members I speak to are scared, concerned or just plain appalled by the government’s assault on women. But I’m determined that no bill, cut or law will ever stop UNISON fighting for our members.

The issue of losing my tax credits was keeping me awake at night: as a single mum I didn’t know how I was going to provide for my family
Not for the first time, this government has underestimated our great movement. So we will fight all the battles to come. And we’ll overcome whatever hurdles are placed in our way.