The government is pushing through a Trade Union Bill that will severely restrict working people’s ability to organise to defend their jobs and pay and to campaign for a fairer society in England, Scotland and Wales.
UNISON is campaigning against the bill.
We believe MPs should be focusing on the real problems our country faces and working with everyone, including unions, to solve them, rather than taking away people’s right to be supported at work.
We believe UNISON and other trade unions play a very positive role in the UK, from providing a network of support and keeping workplaces safe to campaigning against prejudice and fighting for fair pay.
We also know there’s more we could do, so we’d like to hear the ideas of UNISON members.
We’d like to hear examples of how UNISON has had a positive impact, and how how we can do more.
So please flll in the survey at
There are only six questions – but feel free to write a lot if you have lots to tell us.
Your examples of how UNISON has had a positive impact will help our campaign against the bill, and your ideas for how we could do more will help UNISON become an even better union.
Every response is important to us and we will be using them all as the campaign moves forward.