The Employment Act 2002

The Employment Bill 2003 introduced a whole host of welcome changes to Working Terms and Conditions. In particular it introduces the right for employees to request a change to working hours based upon child-care needs. This is a positive step in securing flexible working arrangements for our members. However, in order to ensure that UNISON […]

Call Centres

There are an increasing number of utility companies either looking at or now using overseas call centres to resource work that has previously been carried out within the UK. Many of these call centres are being set up in the Far East where the annual salary is £2000 compared to the £12000 paid in the […]

Non-contribution to Pension Schemes by Employers

We note with concern the proposals currently being considered by this ‘Socialist Government’ that employees may be permitted to work to 70 in order to provide adequate pension provisions for their retirement! This comes against a background of over 200 companies closing their final salary scheme in 2002 alone, and the knowledge that Energy Companies […]

Discrimination against part-time staff in the electricity supply pension scheme

The ruling determined by the House of Lords, that the Electricity Supply Pension Schemes had discriminated against part-timers by denying them access to the pension scheme, means that may UNISON members will see their pensions fully restored. This is undoubtedly excellent news, but requires positive action by our Employers. As this action is not forthcoming, […]

Police Reform Bill

As a result of the Police Reform Bill there is every likelihood police officers will be redeployed into support staff posts as an alternative to ill health retirements. Conference calls on the Service Group Executive to formulate policy and advice to branches to ensure this practice doesn ot have a detrimental effect on support staff […]

Employment of Retired Police Officers

Conference is concerned at the perceived number of police officers who are employed in police staff roles upon their retirement without having gone through any selection process. This practice if true causes concern and possibly breaches force equal opportunities policies/procedures. Conferences instructs the SGE to provide advice, guidance and support to branches with regard to […]

Who Is Your Employer?

Conference Welcomes: ·the attention which the PSSC Handbook review has focussed on the tripartite relationship in respect ofpolice staff ·the publication of the APA’s “People Matters” HR Strategy ·the Home Office commitment to raise the status and training of police staff in a police reform environment ·· However, Conference is concerned that the respective responsibilities […]

Funding for Police Staffs

Conference welcomes the push for civilianisation within the Police Reform Act and the additional monies being made available through the Crime Fighting Fund for front line policing. However, no monies have been made available to fund the employment of additional police staffs to support this initiative. The Service Group Executive is therefore called upon to […]

Use of Non-typical Contracts

Conference is concerned about the creeping use of non typical contracts such as fixed term, zero hours and agency staff to cover for staffing shortfalls which are not short term. Conference believes that the growing use of agency staff by police forcxes is evidence of a poor terms and conditions package in many police forces. […]

PSSC Handbook

Conference is concerned over the lack of information provided to branches on this important issue. Conference further instructs that no agreement is to be reached until branches have been consulted on the overall document.

Staff Association

Conference is dissatisfied with the classification of UNISON by our employer and other sections of the police family as a staff association. UNISON is a trade union and as such has statutory rights and status at law. We as trade unionists are proud to be part of the labour movement and are proud of our […]

Getting Noticed

Conference notes that the Service Group appears not to have made use of the Labour Link or the GPF in its campaigning agenda. Conference believes that the SGE should make contact with the GPF and the APF with a view to maximising the facilities and possible funding available to assist the service group. Conference instructs […]

International Ties and Solidarity

Conference notes the ties with international forces enjoyed by forces and the support networks such as the Black Police Association. Conference considers that similar ties with like minded bodies to be of great value to the Service group for the purpose of international solidarity and the sharing of good practice. As a young service group […]

Bridging the Gap

Conference understands and supports the close ties between UNISON and the Labour party and would wish to strengthen those ties. Conference also recognises the important role that the other two main political parties have with regard to the police service. Conference believes that key speakers from the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrat Party be […]


Conference notes with concern the creeping privatisation of police services through PFI, Best Value, outsourcing and the increasing use of private agency staff. Conference notes in particular: 1)the fragmentation of police services that this privatisation is causing, particularly when outsourcing takes place at BCU level; 2)the lack of Best Value methodology being applied to some […]