Privatisation and Staffing Cuts in Primary Care Services

Conference supports UNISON health members in their stand against government moves to further privatise the provision of primary care services and to cut the numbers of staff in acute hospital trusts to counter financial deficits. Reports have shown that cuts in staffing levels and leaving vacancies unfilled can lead to inadequate standards of care, loss […]

TUC Retired Members’ Forum

Conference calls on the National Retired Members’ Committee to: 1) encourage UNISON Regional Retired Members’ Committees to appoint their full entitlement of delegates to their appropriate TUC Retired Members’ Forum; 2) facilitate the exchange of information between UNISON Regional Retired Members’ Committees to assist in developing a coordinated approach to this area of work. The […]

National Pensioners’ Charter

Conference agrees that after 25 years of campaigning and consulting with pensioners across the United Kingdom (UK) that the National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) National Pensioners’ Charter with its 11 Draft Bills of Rights is more than a fair reflection of what UK pensioners need. Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to give their support […]

Driving Tests for Those Over 75 Years of Age

Conference deplores the proposal to introduce a compulsory driving test for those persons over the age of 75. The implementation of any form of driving test without discussion and consultation with affected parties and without the production of evidence to support the need is discrimination against the older driver. Conference therefore strongly requests the National […]

Social Care and Funding for the Elderly

Conference welcomes the report by Sir Derek Wanless on a new system of care for the vulnerable, frail and elderly in our society and the funding proposals contained within it. Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to vigorously campaign to get the main recommendations of the report implemented. The campaign to be conducted in […]

Security in Retirement

Conference notes that the response to the Government’s White Paper “Security in Retirement – towards a new pension system” has to be submitted by 11 September 2006 to the Department of Work and Pensions. In the light of the responses received by the Government, a modified paper will then be presented to Parliament. Conference therefore […]

Communications to Retired Members 2006

Conference recognises the importance of effective communications in informing all retired members of information which affect their interests. These include matters in which the National Retired Members’ Committee is engaged on our behalf, in order that appropriate and timely advice may be given and support for policy generated. Equally, the views and concerns of members […]

Free Travel Pass

The Government included in the 2005 Budget, the introduction of free local bus travel for pensioners in April 2006. The implementation has been costly and complicated. In some towns, for example Southampton, free bus travel is limited to within a city boundary, with two exceptions, one to a hospital, the other to a supermarket, both […]

Proportional Representation at Retired Members’ Conference

Retired Members’ Conference 2003 passed a motion which instructed the National Retired Members’ Committee to submit proposals to the 2004 Conference, to establish a fair quota system for branch attendance at future Retired Members’ Conferences. No proposals were submitted to that Conference. Conference, therefore, instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to implement a quota system […]

Threatened Hospital Closures

Many hospitals and accident and emergency departments are being threatened with closure. This will increase the distance that a lot of elderly people, who do not have their own transport and have to rely on other more costly means, have to travel to get to the alternative establishments. Also a lot of pensioners live on […]


The current proposals by the government and broadcasting agencies will see the ending of all analogue broadcasting in this country between 2006 and 2010 – digital TV will be imposed upon the whole population by 2012 at the latest. There is considerable concern that this may leave many elderly retired persons either with poor services […]


Conference recognises that ageing brings about the natural need for more optical and dental care. The costs of these essential services are constantly rising whilst pension increases lag well behind. Furthermore, dental care on the NHS is hardly available. More than five million pensioners are now subject to the means test for help to purchase […]


Conference considers that the present cost of utilities – electricity, gas and water charges, are disproportionate for pensioners whose income is limited. Conference believes that the best way to alleviate the effect of these charges upon pensioners is to fully restore the value of the state pension and the restoration of the earnings link to […]

Personal and/or Nursing Care

Conference believes that the distinction between nursing and personal care should be ended. It is completely unacceptable to charge old and/or disabled people for essential and needed personal care. Good quality personal and nursing care should be provided on the basis of need, free and without means-testing. Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to […]

Campaign Against Government Increases for Life Long Learning Charge

Conference notes the increases in charges to attend classes for Lifelong Learning being proposed by the government. This will affect people on low pay and fixed incomes, especially pensioners. Any reduction in class attendance will result in class closures to the detriment of the students who attend for both academic, cultural and social stimulus. There […]