Learning and Organising in Health Branches

Conference notes the success of learning initiatives in health branches, and the productive relationship between the Culture of Learning Project and health branches. Conference recognises that the Learning agenda provides UNISON with important opportunities for branches to organise and recruit new members, in addition to other organising activities such as campaigns, representation and negotiations. Lifelong […]

Fair Trade

This Conference believes that wherever possible the NHS should access its supplies using “fair trade” principals. We are aware that the NHS Procurement and Supplies Agency is in the process of developing a fair trade policy together with NHS Estates and that a Head of Sustainable Development has been appointed with a remit that covers […]

NHS Treatment for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

This Conference notes: a.The deplorable statements made by health ministers with regards to the issue of so called “health tourists”; b.This included reference to failed asylum seekers and figures up to 200 million pounds were mentioned; c.This comes at a time when there are continuing attacks on asylum seekers and refugees, and that fasict organisations […]

Migrant Health Workers

Conference is increasingly concerned at the exploitation of migrant Health workers, which is taking place in Health Services in the UK. We recognise that the NHS has taken significant steps to address the exploitation and we welcomed the guidance, which was issued in 2003. However, during 2003 an estimated 40,000 overseas nurses applied for nursing […]

Staffing Levels

Conference deplores the cost cutting measures employed within NHS Hospital and Primary Care Trusts which have resulted in falling staff levels in wards, departments and community services throughout the Health Service. Low staffing levels result in increased ill health absences which only exacerbates the situation for those staff still at work. Moreover, staff are often […]

Childrens Trusts

Conference welcomes the introduction of greater co-operation and joint working between health and social services as demonstrated by the introduction of Children’s and Older Persons/Adults trusts. Many of our members already work in integrated service under Section 31 funding arrangements or through other joint funding regimes on a variety of secondment or other employment arrangements. […]

Low Pay and Agenda for Change

Under AfC the lowest spine point in Band 1 falls below the level of half male median earnings. All points in Band 1 fall below £6 an hour. UNISON’s submission to the Low Pay Commission asked for a minimum way of £6 an hour. In many areas UNISON branches have negotiated minimum rates for ancillary […]


Currently violence against NHS staff is high and rising. Nurses are four times more likely than teachers or shop assistants to be the subject of a violent assault at work. During 2002, 115,000 incidents were reported that caused injury and distress to individuals working in the NHS. These involved problems with absence, low morale and […]

Campaigning Against Private Finance

This Conference strongly opposes the Government’s moves to undermine the fundamental principles of the NHS by encouraging private finance, competition and a re-introduction of the internal market. We believe that the use of the private sector to finance and deliver NHS services is a less efficient use of NHS resources and will undermine our ability […]

Organising Nurses in UNISON

Conference recognises the excellent work being carried out by the Nursing Sector in regard to Nursing Students, Overseas Nurses and Health Care Assistants. However conference notes: 1.According to the union we have more qualified nurses in the union than nursing students or HCA’s, and qualified nurses make a massive contribution to the union through subscriptions, […]

NHS Pensions Review

This conference supports UNISON’s involvement in the NHS Pensions Review which is subject to the Unison wide policy on pensions review and against the background of wider discussions between the TUC and Government on public sector pensions. Like other sectors, the National Ancillary & Maintenance Sector has concerns around pensions issues relating to pension age, […]

Agenda for Change

This Health Conference notes that as expected the indications from the Early Implementers is that the proposals on unsociable hours, in particular, but not only, for low paid workers, will create huge difficulties for the health service. Conference therefore urges the national negotiators as a major priority to renegotiate on the basis of obtaining two […]

Regulation of Healthcare Assistants

We call on the Government as a matter of urgency to publish its consultation on an effective system of regulation for Healthcare Assistants, which recognises the essential contribution they make to patient care. This important issue is not being prioritised sufficiently by ministers. The lack of such proposals does nothing to ensure patient or client […]

Access to Training and Development

The Ancillary Sector membership has a long history of under investment by managers in the NHS; providing learning and training opportunities to ancillary staff has never been a priority. It is often viewed as unnecessary by some employers or treated in a slipshod and half-hearted fashion by others who under value ancillary staff and their […]

Pay Negotiation and the decision-making process

This Conference reaffirms UNISON’s aim of working “To Improve the pay and conditions of members and promote their interests”, and recognises that our involvement in reaching agreements on behalf of members is legally empowered through individual contracts of employment. It is noted that contracts based on, or “mirroring” nationally determined pay and conditions, invariably refer […]